Splatoon 3 Tournament Manager Help

Tournament Manager Features

What is Tournament Manager?

Tournament Manager is a support service for people holding or participating in Splatoon 3 tournaments. Tournament Manager connects with the Splatoon 3 game and with SplatNet 3 to provide helpful features for tournament creation and entry, as well as tools for directors to help run them smoothly. Both battle and Salmon Run tournaments are supported.


Compete in Private Battles

Tournament directors can match any registered teams to create the tournament bracket. Elimination, League, and Swiss-style tournaments are all supported.

Salmon Run

Score-Based Rankings (Golden Eggs, etc.)

In Salmon Run tournaments, players can compete based on the number of Golden Eggs collected and scales gained in Salmon Run shifts.

Main Features

Live Updates

Battle and shift results update in real time.

Screenshot of a sample tournament bracket.
Brackets at a glance!

Easy to Join

A Tournament Manager room will be created automatically when the tournament starts, and participants will be notified about how to proceed.
Tournament Manager automatically tracks battle records and shift results.

Enlarged image of the tournament bracket.

Tournament Records Are Persistent

Permanent records of each tournament will be stored, including rankings and additional information.
Battle tournaments will include detailed data for each battle and the ability to schedule downloads of battle replays. You can even upload a commemorative picture after the tournament.
Salmon Run tournaments will include each team's cumulative data, including the number of Golden Eggs collected and Boss Salmonids defeated. A Tournament Record Certificate will be issued after the tournament.