A value calculated using the number of Golden Eggs and scales collected in each shift.
See here for more details about how score is calculated.
The rankings page shows in-progress shift results as a ranked list for teams participating in the tournament. Rankings update approximately every minute.
In the finals round, players are split into groups based on their preliminary rankings. The director can set the number of Teams per Finals Group when creating the tournament.
See here for more details about the schedule for preliminary and final rounds.
The person who is running the tournament. They are generally the one who set up the tournament and are in charge of its progression.
A player invited to help with tournament operations.
About Codirectors
Someone who joins in a tournament.
A tournament team's representative.
About Captains (FAQ)
A player who can freely edit the Team Page. The player who creates a team will become the team owner by default. There can only be one owner per team.
About Team Pages